Adverts with a loose connection

Adverts with a loose connection

I was browsing Reddit today, and was confronted with an ad for a hotel in Tenerife, which would normally be innocuous however it's the hotel my mum and dad are currently staying in!

Aaron Russell · 1 minute read

I was browsing Reddit today, and was confronted with an ad for a hotel in Tenerife, which would normally be innocuous however it's the hotel my mum and dad are currently staying in! I haven't searched for the hotel, place etc. Nor do I follow Hard Rock hotels.

The ad for Hard Rock Hotels

My best guess is that my mum had posted their location on Facebook, and then they're advertising to their friends. Although this is a really loose connection. Anyone else have any ideas?

In light of this however, I created a subreddit for people to post about any loose connection ads they experience. So if you want to join the discussion, you're more than welcome!

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