Firebase vs. Supabase vs. AWS Amplify vs. Appwrite: Comparing Backend as a Service (BaaS) Platforms

Firebase vs. Supabase vs. AWS Amplify vs. Appwrite: Comparing Backend as a Service (BaaS) Platforms

Four popular BaaS platforms, Firebase, Supabase, AWS Amplify, and Appwrite, offer a range of features and capabilities. In this blog post, we will compare these platforms.

Aaron Russell · 4 minute read

Backend as a Service (BaaS) platforms have revolutionized web and mobile app development by providing developers with pre-built backend infrastructure and services. Four popular BaaS platforms, Firebase, Supabase, AWS Amplify, and Appwrite, offer a range of features and capabilities. In this blog post, we will compare these platforms to help you make an informed decision when choosing a BaaS provider for your project.


Firebase, owned by Google, is a comprehensive BaaS platform offering a wide range of services, including real-time database, authentication, cloud functions, storage, and hosting. Firebase has gained popularity for its ease of use, robust analytics, and powerful real-time database capabilities. It integrates well with other Google Cloud services and provides excellent support for mobile app development.

  • Pros:

    • Extensive range of services, including real-time database, authentication, cloud functions, storage, and hosting.

    • Strong integration with other Google Cloud services.

    • Easy to use and well-documented.

    • Excellent support for mobile app development.

    • Robust analytics and performance monitoring.

  • Cons:

    • Pricing can become expensive for high usage or as the application scales.

    • Limited flexibility for advanced customization.

    • Reliance on Google infrastructure, which may be a concern for some users, especially after the shutdown of Google Domains.


Supabase is an open-source BaaS platform that aims to provide developers with a self-hosted alternative to Firebase. It offers features similar to Firebase, including a real-time database, authentication, storage, and functions. Supabase distinguishes itself with its focus on open-source and self-hosting capabilities, allowing developers to have full control over their backend infrastructure. It is built on top of PostgreSQL, which provides scalability and performance benefits.

  • Pros:

    • Open-source and self-hosted alternative to Firebase.

    • Built on PostgreSQL, providing scalability and performance benefits.

    • Offers a real-time database, authentication, storage, and functions.

    • Full control over backend infrastructure.

    • Good community support and active development.

  • Cons:

    • Smaller ecosystem compared to Firebase or AWS Amplify.

    • Limited range of services compared to other platforms.

    • Some features may still be in development or less mature.

AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify is a BaaS platform provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It offers a wide range of backend services, including authentication, API management, storage, databases, and serverless functions. Amplify provides tight integration with other AWS services, making it a compelling choice for developers already leveraging AWS infrastructure. It offers extensive customization options and scales well for enterprise-level applications.

  • Pros:

    • Wide range of backend services, including authentication, API management, storage, databases, and serverless functions.

    • Strong integration with other AWS services.

    • Scales well for enterprise-level applications.

    • Extensive customization options and flexibility.

    • Strong community support and extensive documentation.

  • Cons:

    • Can be overwhelming for beginners due to the extensive feature set.

    • Pricing can become complex and costly, especially when using multiple AWS services.

    • Steeper learning curve compared to some other platforms.


Appwrite is an open-source, self-hosted BaaS platform that focuses on simplicity and ease of use. It provides authentication, database, storage, and serverless functions as core services. Appwrite is designed to be lightweight, allowing developers to easily set up and deploy their backend infrastructure. It supports multiple programming languages and provides a RESTful API for integration with different frontend frameworks.

  • Pros:

    • Lightweight and easy to set up and deploy.

    • Open-source and self-hosted, providing full control over backend infrastructure.

    • Supports multiple programming languages and provides a RESTful API.

    • Simplified authentication, database, storage, and serverless functions.

    • Well-suited for smaller projects or developers who prefer a simple setup.

  • Cons:

    • Smaller ecosystem and community compared to Firebase or AWS Amplify.

    • Limited range of services compared to other platforms.

    • Less comprehensive documentation and support resources.


Choosing the right BaaS platform for your project depends on several factors, including your specific requirements, budget, scalability needs, and familiarity with different ecosystems. Firebase, Supabase, AWS Amplify, and Appwrite all offer valuable features and services, each with its own strengths and limitations. Consider the pros and cons listed above, and evaluate how well each platform aligns with your project goals and development preferences. Regardless of the platform you choose, these BaaS solutions can significantly streamline backend development, allowing you to focus on building great applications.

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