10 Best VS Code Extensions

10 Best VS Code Extensions

Visual Studio Code is a popular and powerful text editor that has gained a lot of popularity among developers in recent years. One of the reasons for its popularity is the vast array of plugins available that can enhance its functionality and make development easier and more efficient. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 Visual Studio Code plugins that are must-haves for any developer.

Aaron Russell · 3 minute read

Visual Studio Code is a popular and powerful text editor that has gained a lot of popularity among developers in recent years. One of the reasons for its popularity is the vast array of plugins available that can enhance its functionality and make development easier and more efficient. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 Visual Studio Code plugins that are must-haves for any developer.

1. GitLens

GitLens is a powerful plugin that enhances the Git integration in Visual Studio Code. It provides a range of features, including inline blame annotations, code lens for Git blame and history, and much more. This makes it easy to keep track of changes and collaborate with other developers.

2. ESLint

ESLint is a popular linter for JavaScript that helps developers to find and fix code issues. This plugin integrates ESLint into Visual Studio Code and highlights errors in real-time, making it easy to find and fix issues before they cause problems.

3. Live Server

The Live Server plugin is a must-have for web developers. It allows you to launch a local development server for your web project, which automatically reloads the page whenever you make changes. This makes the development process faster and more efficient.

4. Prettier

Prettier is a code formatter that helps to standardize code formatting across a project. It integrates with Visual Studio Code and can automatically format your code according to predefined rules. This makes code easier to read and maintain.

5. VS Code Icons

VS Code Icons is a simple plugin that enhances the user interface of Visual Studio Code by adding icons to the file explorer. This makes it easier to navigate and find files in a project.

6. Code Spell Checker

Code Spell Checker is a plugin that helps developers to avoid spelling errors in their code. It provides real-time spelling checking and suggestions for misspelled words.

7. Better Comments

Better Comments is a plugin that allows you to create more informative and readable comments in your code. It provides syntax highlighting for different types of comments, making them easier to read and understand.

8. Rainbow Brackets

Rainbow Brackets is a plugin that enhances the readability of nested brackets by coloring them with different colors. This makes it easier to identify the matching brackets and improves code readability.

9. Github Copilot

GitHub Copilot is like pair programming but with AI. Following Chat GPT, it will try and predict the code you're trying to write and make suggestions on. how to complete the next line(s). This can save you a huge amount of time, and even help solve tricky problems!

10. CodeMetrics

CodeMetrics calculates the complexity of your functions to help you understand where you may want to simplify or refactor your code. This makes your code easier to read and creates less technical debt.

In conclusion, these are the top 10 Visual Studio Code plugins that every developer should have. Each of these plugins provides unique and useful features that can enhance the development process and make it more efficient. Whether you are a web developer or working on other types of projects, these plugins are sure to make your life easier.

VS Code